Wednesday 2 April 2014


Going into the last three weeks of my first year in college, the projects are piling up with deadlines left and right. As each project gets put on my massive to do list I can feel the stress building up. Listed below are a few simple things that help me to de-stress, maybe they'll work for you too.

1.Take a long shower ... or a bath perhaps? Just steam the troubles away.

2.Get a relaxing playlist on that will mellow you out.The Songza app has some great playlists with all genres. Personally my favourite chilled out playlists are, "Mellow Indie", "Sleepytime Indie", "Mellow Electro" and "Indie Make Out". As you can tell, Indie is pretty relaxing to me. Acoustic works as well. The "Majestic Casual" Youtube channel has a good playlist of atmospheric sounding music.

3.Light a candle. Candles make your room smell good and have a pleasant relaxing glow.

4.Tidy up. Not having to look at all the mess that you're eventually going to have to clean will ease your mind.

5.Pamper. Do something small to treat yourself. For example: paint your nails, put a detoxing face mask on or tweeze those eyebrows.

6.Drink a hot beverage. I prefer chai tea or apple cider. It'll make your insides all warm and cozy.

7.The last piece of advice I have is to just get that work done. It may be a struggle but checking stuff off that list will feel fantastic. And in the end, the only real cure for stress is conquering the direct cause.

What NOT to do.
1.Open your laptop. This may seem like a great idea at first but actually, this is a terrible idea that will lead to endless scrolling on Tumblr most likely. Or even worse, you'll start watching a new series on Netflix and next thing you know, school has finished and you somehow managed to watch all 200 episodes in a row.

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