Friday 11 April 2014

Ralph Steadman

I was recently introduced to the art of Ralph Steadman through a school project. The assignment was to pick an artist from the list and create a work of art in the style of the chosen artist. I saw the unique style of his work and immediately chose him to base my work off of. Conveniently in copywriting class we had a discussion about Hunter.S.Thompson. Hunter was a writer who had a unique style of writing and worked in journalism up until he took his own life in 2005. Hunter S.Thompson had a fascinating life and was quite the eccentric, possibly due to the vast amount of drugs and alchol he took on a daily basis.

Ralph Steadman was a good friend of Hunter and often created the illustrations that went along with his articles. Ralphs work uses ink and minimal colour. Almost caricature like illustrations. What peeked my interest even more on these people was the film Fear and Loathing in LasVegas. The movie was about Hunter.S.Thompson and his trip to lasVegas in search of "the amercian dream". Starring my favourite, Johnny Depp as Hunter. Another movie to watch and get a sense of the real life of Hunter is Gonzo:The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S.Thompson.

Heres a nice little video of Ralph Steadman that will give you an idea of what hes about.

As for my project, the concept behind it was my struggle of living with chronic bitchface. When people first meet me their first impression is that I'm stuck up. I am not stuck up. I just happen to have the type of face that looks naturally bitchy when in a relaxed, non smiling position. So here's my self portrait, Ralph Steadman style.

Cliches: as bad as Disco (Tattoo addition)

You can call it an act of rebellion or a dumb trend but I think tattoos are going to continuously grow to be accepted. I don't even think tattoos can be considered a "trend" since there has been over 5000 years of the art. Sure, back in the day tattoos were reserved for sailors, criminals and circus freaks but in modern times its more common to have one than not having one. I got my first tattoo at the age of 18 by going against my parents advice that I would regret it and that I am too young to make permant desicions.

It was only a small one on my wrist. An homage to my childhood and the ever popular Harry Potter series. I wanted to avoid any type of cliche, been-done-a-thousand-times-before, designs. Of course there are a lot of Harry Potter tattoos out there and sometimes its hard to be original. My first thought was the classic deathly hallows symbol. I googled deathly hallows tattoo, and over a million results showed up. Being as stubborn as I am, I couldn't bare having a tattoo that over a million people have already. As an artist I like to think that I'm pretty original and creative and to have a cliche tattoo would ruin that reputation. I ending up getting Sirius Blacks Azkaban number on my wrist which when I googled, I could only find about 3 people with that tattooed. I figured 3 is more original than 1million so I went with it.

When people say tattoos are addicting, I believe it. It's been not even a year since my first and I am always coming up with new plans for tattoo designs. I consider tattooing as a serious possible career path for myself at times. Ultimately though I question if I could handle giving people tattoos that I wouldnt want to see. To help you out if youre thinking of getting a tattoo, below is a list of tattoos ive seen a thousand times and are as bad as disco.

1."Live, Laugh, Love"
2. Tinker Bell, Betty Boop and Winnie the Pooh. (specifically on middle aged women.)
4.Infinity symbols
5.Deathly Hallows symbol
6.Tribal armbands
7.Chain armbands
9.Naudical stars
10.Browning buck and doe symbols
11.Feathers and arrows
12.Dandelions with bits blowing off
13.Feather transitioning into little birds
14.Any design that looks like a temporary tattoo
15.Made in "........"

I've never actually seen anyone with a heart and banner combo with the word "mom" inside, but if i did, I'd give them props.

Wednesday 2 April 2014


Going into the last three weeks of my first year in college, the projects are piling up with deadlines left and right. As each project gets put on my massive to do list I can feel the stress building up. Listed below are a few simple things that help me to de-stress, maybe they'll work for you too.

1.Take a long shower ... or a bath perhaps? Just steam the troubles away.

2.Get a relaxing playlist on that will mellow you out.The Songza app has some great playlists with all genres. Personally my favourite chilled out playlists are, "Mellow Indie", "Sleepytime Indie", "Mellow Electro" and "Indie Make Out". As you can tell, Indie is pretty relaxing to me. Acoustic works as well. The "Majestic Casual" Youtube channel has a good playlist of atmospheric sounding music.

3.Light a candle. Candles make your room smell good and have a pleasant relaxing glow.

4.Tidy up. Not having to look at all the mess that you're eventually going to have to clean will ease your mind.

5.Pamper. Do something small to treat yourself. For example: paint your nails, put a detoxing face mask on or tweeze those eyebrows.

6.Drink a hot beverage. I prefer chai tea or apple cider. It'll make your insides all warm and cozy.

7.The last piece of advice I have is to just get that work done. It may be a struggle but checking stuff off that list will feel fantastic. And in the end, the only real cure for stress is conquering the direct cause.

What NOT to do.
1.Open your laptop. This may seem like a great idea at first but actually, this is a terrible idea that will lead to endless scrolling on Tumblr most likely. Or even worse, you'll start watching a new series on Netflix and next thing you know, school has finished and you somehow managed to watch all 200 episodes in a row.

Jeffery Campbell: HOMG Platform Sneaker

Unfortunately it's still not dry enough outside to take out my Jeffery Campbells :(
Last summer I was obsessed with these sneakers and debated buying them for over a month. Finally the shopping demon inside of me decided that I should just buy them as a gift for myself for finally getting a job. This post will be a review of the shoes themselves as well as my overall experience ordering them from the website NastyGal.

Before ordering them I did my research on where I could find them and reviews on the quality of the shoes. I ended up choosing NastyGal because it seemed to be a trusted website and I felt confident that I wouldn't get a knock off brand. As for the shoes themselves I read a ton of great reviews and they looked pretty versatile when paired with a variety of outfits. The sole of the shoes are obviously huge and look very heavy, reviews told me that they really aren't as heavy as they look.

Now onto the actual ordering,
The day I decided to order them there was only one pair left! Like a sign from God, they happened to be my size. I ordered and it came to around 90 dollars after taxes and shipping. I was later emailed that the original box they came in was damaged but the shoes were fine. They notified me that they would be put in a different box and gave me a 5$ store credit for the inconvenience. I forget how long it took to actually receive the shoes, but it felt like forever. When they finally arrived just by looking at them I could tell that they would be too small. And sure enough they were definitely too small for my feet even though they were my regular size 9. Since I bought the last pair they restocked fully. It cost me about 35$ just to send them back and them I had to re-order to a size 10 and wait some more. After all that hassle the larger size fit perfectly.

My opinion,
If you order these shoes, definitely order a size up because they run small. As for the weight issue, when you pick them up, yes, they do feel lighter than you would think. BUT, wearing them on your feet all day, you can feel the weight giving you a bit of a workout. One day I was going on vacation and I decided to wear these shoes on my feet so they wouldn't take up so much room in my luggage. Unfortunately that was a terrible idea because I had to walk 15 mins to catch my bus. All I can say is, I don't think my thighs have burned that bad before. Other than the slight weight issue, they are pretty comfortable and great quality. The perfect sneaker with a little extra something to stand out. And of course I ordered black because black goes with everything.