Friday 21 March 2014

StarWars Virgin

Recently I have watched the Star Wars series for the first time. I managed to go almost 19 years of my life without watching a single star Wars movie. I finally caved and decided that I was tired of the overwhelmingly shocked responses when I told people that I've never watched them before. Since Star Wars is a big part of pop culture and one of the largest sci-fy movie franchises, I was already familiar with the characters.

Suggested by a friend, I watched them in chronological order according to time within the world of StarWars instead of based on the release date of each film. I managed to watch four in one day and then later had two more sittings to watch the last two. I've heard from others that the storyline in a little confusing to figure out but with the previous knowledge I picked up I basically predicted everything while watching the first movie (The Phantom Menace). Everyone knows the classic line, "Luke, I am your father.", unless you happen to live under a rock. With that bit of information it was not hard to figure out what was going to happen.

First impression was a little overwhelming because a lot of information and characters were thrown at me at once. There is no lack of action and dilemma in this series. Overall the first three that I watched were pretty impressive on the grand scale. I had an issue with the graphics used to create Jar Jar Binks. I know that the species in StarWars are obviously supposed to be unique and aliens but his character moved in a way that was not natural feeling along with the colour to a point were I could tell he was animated into each scene. Later I found out that basically no fan of StarWars actually like Jar Jar Binks character in general.

I was more impressed with the last three I watched, which happened to be the older ones, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I personally prefer the old school special effects and costumes to animation. Although costumes sometimes look a bit cheesy; the look and feel of something actually being there interacting with the actors appeals to me. A few things that stuck out to me were:

1. The strange rat creature that was attached to Jabba the Hut.

2. The scene where Luke finds out Darth Vader is his father is pretty comical due to the weird chipmunk face Luke made when he freaked out and found out.

3. Chewbacca would spaz out in every situation.

4. The transitions were varied and looked like they were made by a grade-schooler using iMovie.

5. The excessive amount of arms and hands that were chopped off.

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