Friday 28 March 2014

Spring, if you ever return.

It's officially spring here in Ontario, Canada. I live in a mining town in northern Ontario and by looking outside right now you'd never guess that its "spring". April starts in a few days while there is still ample amounts of snow outside. Just thins morning it took me ten minutes to brush the foot of snow off my car. It wasn't the fluffy stuff either; it was the heavy, damp stuff that instantly turns into one thick mountain when you try to move it. I have to admit the temperature outside was quite nice considering the condition of the roads. Even though it was probably +2 degrees Celsius outside I still had to get out my heavy duty winter boots to trudge through the fresh snow.

By the end of the day everything started to turn into slush. By the weather reports it should warm up and hopefully spring might make an appearance instead of this "second winter" people are predicting. Spring happens to be my favourite season for a multitude of reasons. Instead of making another list like I've done in most of my posts ill describe a short spring time scenario which describes exactly why I love it.

The morning is gloomy, making me feel drowsy and yet I have the will to get out of bed due to the enticing, unfamiliar sound of birds outside of my window. I am finally able to take out that light leather jacket in replace of the heavy, hooded, fur trimmed coat. Stepping outside doesn't require nearly as many layers and preparation. Breathing in the damp air without the struggle of that harsh cold that makes your lungs hurt feels refreshing. The sensation of being able to comfortably go for a casual walk around the block. The sun finally beats down on the newly revealed pavement. The sound of water running down the street drains. The dry patches of road sprinkled with dirt from covering the slippery winter roads and the sound it makes when you drag your feet across the pavement. Then comes the rain again. The calm taping on the side of your house from another drizzle. And finally the search for that fly that you keep hearing buzzing faintly by the window sill. Where it came from? you have no idea. Sneakily hibernating in your house all winter. The precursor to unveiling my summer wardrobe.

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